Kenya Adventure Safaris,Epic Active, YHA Kenya Travel, African Budget Tours.
YHA Kenya Travel Tours And Safaris Epic Active African Budget Adventure Trips. Kenya Adventure Safaris, African Budget Wildlife Tours, YHA Kenya Travel, Safari Bookings, Kenya Budget Safaris, African Budget Adventure Tours.

The Great Kenya Wildebeest Migration Masai Mara Safari.

By On 06/02/2018

Witness the Migration in the Mara as you watch the thousands of migrating wildebeest and Zebra as the huge herds traverse the vast Savannah.

Capture incredible photos in close-ups of the planet's greatest migration as thousands of wildebeest and zebra traverse the Maasai Mara with predators in pursuit. This migration is world top wonder for any traveller to witness and no adventure activity on earth can match this experience.

The Great Kenya Wildebeest Migration Masai Mara Safari.

Enjoy an all inclusive Kenya wildebeest migration safari in Masai Mara as you witness the mass migration of wildlife, animals, in the world seven wonders, best time to watch. Kenya, YHA Kenya Travel,Wildebeest migration,Kenya wildebeest migration, Kenya migration safari,best time to see, attractions, mass migration, Kenya wildlife migration, animal migration, Masai Mara, migration watch on balloon safari,hot air balloon ride,Kenya budget holidays, small group safaris, trip to masai mara, mass migration,Kenya adventure safaris, Kenya short safaris, Kenya budget safaris,Kenya camping safaris, migration watch masai mara, best African safari.

Trip Description.

Witness the mass exodus of animal Migration between the Serengeti in Tanzania and Masai Mara in Kenya at the crossing of the Mara River as you watch the thousands of migrating wildebeest, Zebra and some antelops as the huge crowds of animal herds traverse the vast Savannah.

Capture incredible photos in close-ups of the planet's greatest migration as thousands of wildebeest and zebra traverse the Maasai Mara with predators in pursuit. This great wildebeest migration is world top wonder for any traveler with excitiment to witness the magnificient exodus as you also a great opportunity to adventure Kenya and world to touris atraction activity on earth can match this experience.

The Masai Mara is Kenya’s most celebrated game park, it offers the possibility of seeing “the big five” and many other species of game. This is where the great wildebeest migration is a spectacle to behold for any would be a visitor to Kenya mainly in July to October of each year.

Best Exciting Great Kenya Mass Wildebeest, Zebra and Antelop Species Animal Migration Safari Combined With Hot Air Balloon.

Safari Itinerary.

4 Days 3 Nights Great Annual Kenya Migration Safari Masai Mara Safari.

YHA-Kenya Travel 4 Days 3 Nights Kenya Annual Migration Budget Camping Safari Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Day 1: Drive From Nairobi City To Maasai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Pick up from your hotel in the morning at 7.30 am and head west for Maasai Mara Game Reserve for lunch at the camp followed by afternoon game drive in the game reserve which is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August, and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Maasai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.

Tour Type: Kenya Annual Migration Budget Adventure Camping Safaris.

Main destination: Maasai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Accommodation: Budget Tented Camp Masai Mara Kenya.

Meals & drinks: All meals included Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Meal Plan { Lunch & Dinner}

Days 2:  Explore Maasai Mara Game Kenya.

After breakfast full day spent game viewing across the rich, tree studded grassland and rolling hills. The famous Mara is renowned for its great herds of plain game, black manned lions, leopard, and cheetah but also contains numerous elephant and virtually every type of wildlife to be found in Kenya, lunch is served in the park at the Mara River, the border of Kenya and Tanzania and the scene for yearly wildebeest migration, after lunch continue with your game drive covering the park into sections, return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Optional Adventure Activity Whilst in Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Hot Air Balloon Safari at US$ 430 per person.

Visit Masai Village at US$ 25 per person.

Main destination: Budget Safari Masai Mara Reserve Kenya.

Accommodation: Budget Tented Camps/Lodges Masai Mara Kenya.

Meals & drinks: All meals included Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 3:  Explore Maasai Mara Kenya.

Leave the camp after breakfast for morning game drive in Masaai Mara with an afternoon optional visit to the Maasai villages or nature walk with Maasai guides, return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Optional Adventure Activity Whilst in Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Hot Air Balloon Safari at US$ 430 per person.

Visit Masai Village at US$ 25 per person.

Main destination: Masai Mara Reserve

Accommodation: Budget Hotel/Lodge /Campsite

Meals & drinks: All meals included Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 4:  Maasai Mara-Nairobi Kenya.

Pre-breakfast game drive, return to the camp for late breakfast, and then leave the camp and proceed to Nairobi with lunch en-route. The tour ends in Nairobi in the afternoon with sweet memories.

Enjoy our unique and unforgettable Kenya adventure budget safari Experience.

Residents Cost KSH 63790 per person

Non-residents USD 950 per Person.


-Transport based on our customized seven-seater safari Vehicle with specially modified suspension, full-length photographic roof hatches and seats designed with seat belt and all clients are guaranteed window seats.

- All game Park Entrance fees

- All Camping Fees

- Full board accommodation offered in a semi luxury large spacious tent, all en suite bathrooms with hot and cold shower, flash toilet.

- Unlimited game drives

- Three meals a day while on Safari

- Use of our Professional Driver Guide.

- Drinking Mineral Water.

What's NOT Included in the Price.

-Personal spending money

-Drinks/sodas etc

-Laundry Services at camp


Our Promise & Commitment.

We will help you with good advice on how to plan a budget-friendly adventure safari holiday but the high-quality journey of unforgettable experiences nothing beats YHA Kenya travel and let us inspire you with photos from Kenya great scenic views and wildlife.Travel with Professionals who mind about your comfort, safety, budget, and welfare.

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